Legislation & Media

CalSmallBiz Legislative & Media Efforts

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Assembly Bill 2625 (Lopez), an act to lower taxes for small businesses by reducing ‘incorporation’ fees with the Franchise Tax Board.  Small businesses, with uncertain income, cannot always afford the annual minimum $800 franchise tax fees.  This measure seeks to create a 5 year reduction in fees for small businesses based upon each small business’ actual income.

Prior Legislative Efforts
Assembly Bill 153 (Skinner), an act relating to leveling the playing field for California Small Businesses by requiring out-of-state businesses who sell to Californians over the internet, to collect sales tax on the purchase.
Position:  Support
Read Support Letter

Senate Bill 459 (Corbett), an act relating to classification of employees versus independent contractors, submit to $15,000 fines.
Position:  Oppose
Read Opposition Letter
View Press Release
Status:  Was substantially amended due to CalSmallBiz’ opposition and input.

Senate Bill 544 (Price), an act relating to small businesses being subject to a $100,000 fine for violating a state licensing requirement.
Position:  Oppose
Read Opposition Letter
Status:  This bill is now dormant, and died in the Senate.